July 2012 Moms

So stressssssed vent...

So my husband and I have been together for 6 years. Living together for 3. Married for 1. I always got along great with my inlaws. They live about 7 hours away and I would go with my husband to visit them about twice a year, and they would come here about twice a year. My husband has a daughter from a college relationship so he was living here, and they of course wanted to see her.

For some reason when we got engaged sh!t hit the fan. It's been horrible ever since. To the point where his mother left our wedding when she was upset about my husband reprimanding his daughter.

Anyway my husband and his family didn't speak until February (we got married in October)  and he told them I was pregnant. For some reason it immediately became "that woman is the problem. she's ruined you. she's keeping you away from your family"  Now, I wish I WAS keeping him away. I hate them now.

When my daughter was born she didn't answer the call when my husband called to tell her. She didn't call back. and congratulated him via text when his sister saw it on facebook.

Then she sent a present to: "Scott, congrats on the baby"  Forget that i actually BIRTHED the child... or that she has a name! Even if it isn't her choice.

Then when he invited her to the christening she told us she'd come up and "take the baby on friday". So that we could have the weekned. Sorry, not giving up my 7 week old baby. When we said no everything realllly went down. SHe said some pretty horrible things to my husband. About me, and him.

Anyway, we haven't spoken to them since. To be accurate I haven't spoken to them since our wedding. And he hasn't spoken to them since.

TODAY... at my stepdaughters christening THEY WERE THERE! Apparenly they have been calling my step daughter at her mothers house and going around my husband.

His mother had the nerve to come over and ask my husband to hold the baby. He said she has a name. SHE SAID: I don't like it.

THEN... he said you need to ask her mother (I was the one holding her). And she said I refuse to speak to her. So I got up and walked away... seriously!?!? What else could I have done?!?!?!?!

I'm sorry this is long and pointless... but does she really think she can refuse to even aknowledge I exist.. but spend time with my baby?!?!?!?

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