July 2012 Moms

Time between feedings

How long does your LO go between feedings, how much are they eating, and how old?

K is 3 months today and I'm beginning to think she might be able to go 5 hours between feedings. She eats 4oz of formula at a time but it is thickened with 5tsp of rice cereal. Sometimes it's closer to 5oz once everything is mixed. I think she is full for a while because if I try to offer a bottle after 4 hours she just isn't interested. This happens at daycare too. It doesn't seem reflux related because she is content and just legitimately not hungry. However, when she wakes for MOTN feedings after sleeping 5 to 6 hours, she downs it. i'm just not sure what's normal and don't want to be starving her.
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