July 2012 Moms

Como una Vaca!

My pumping situation at work isn't very ideal. Granted, I only work there one day a week, but the area I am allotted to pump in is right off of the breakroom that everyone else uses and has slots in the door so that I can hear them and they can hear me (I'm not sure if all pumps make that "Wee OOO Weee OOO Weee OOO sound), has a HUGE window I have to cover etc etc... So anyway, I'm in my little milk dungeon doing my thing and, as if having my boobs out at work isn't weird enough I can hear laughing right outside my door.

It's noon and that is generally when the Spanish speaking group from work takes their lunch break together and I can hear them chatting and heating up their food (which always smells amazing). I am just about finished and I leave the room.

Every. One. Is. Staring. At. Me. Greeeeaaaat. One of the ladies was talking to a young man next to her and I caught mid phrase, "Si, como una vaca"  AAAAAH! She was describing what I was doing to this guy that I have never even met before and she was likening me to a cow. I was torn between laughing and being mortified. I went with laughter and retorted "Si, soy como una vaca, es la verdad!" I gained loads of satisfaction in seeing her eyes bug out of her head because she didn't expect me to understand her. Hehehe. I walked out of the room with a bounce in my step, still trying to decide if I was embarrassed or just laughing. :)

Does anyone else have a pumping at work gem to share? 

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