July 2012 Moms

MH And I Had A Baby Related Arguement (Funny)

We put one of those big blue water jugs in LO's room and started putting our change and occassional bills in there.  Then yesterday MH came in while I was feeding her and put some change in.  I said "I wonder if that will be for her 1st car?".  MH replies "It can be for whatever she wants.... Except for going to Cancun with friends her senior year!".  To which I responded "I think we should let her go, she has to be able to make her own choices and experience life".  MH then says "I'm not hearing it".  I finished with "I say she can go, but why don't we cross that bridge when we get to it.  We have a few more diapers to change before we have to make decisions like this."  The whole thing was in good humor and we laughed our way through the conversation.  What completely ridiculous baby related arguements have you and your partner had so far?  Or not so ridiculous?
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