July 2012 Moms

Almost beat someone up

oooh I almost beat up a crazy ***. I just laid Lilah down in her crib and she had just fallen asleep. i go into my room and turn on the monitor and I can hear voices and yelling on it...then I can hear her waking up. So I peak in the nursery and the voices are louder. Someone is in the parking lot yelling. David hears them now so we run outside a) theyre waking my baby. b) theyre pushing eachother right next to my dads car im borrowing. So I eye them down, 6 or 7 people and I yell at them,
"Could you keep it down, You just woke my newborn up and youre right next to my car doing that."
Woman (yelling still): Sorry. We're not touching your car.
Me (getting mad): Im more concerned about you waking my child and half the neighborhood. I'm about to call the cops.
Woman: Go call them.
... Me: Fine!
So As Im walking in the lady yells after me.
Woman: Maybe you should take care of your crying baby instead of coming out here.
I turned around so fast ready to frigging pounce. David grabbed me and kept me from going have her. So I called the cops. They said theyd be here in two minutes (i live 2 blocks away) and it's been 20 minutes, the crowd is gone and still no cops.   Moral of the story: DO NOT WAKE A SLEEPING BABY!

I only answer in GIFs. Get over it.

July 2012 full of oreos and Maple Syrup Bushes

imageLilypie First Birthday tickers


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