1st Trimester

12w, 6d ultrasound question

Hi! I had an ultrasound today because my uterus was measuring 3 weeks ahead of schedule...turns out everything is just fine! Theres just 1 baby and it measures right on the dates :) I did however have a nasty experience with the ultrasound tech and i had a quick questions about how things went..first of all she told my husband he couldnt record the u/s with his phone (like we did the last time with another tech) and second she said she doesnt listen for the heartbeat in the first trimester..i thought it was fairly important to hear the hb..we saw it so im not worried but i just really wanted to hear it out loud :/ Anyway if you could shed some light as to why we couldnt record our baby for friends and family and also why we werent allowed to hear the hb because im technically still in trimester 1..thanks!!
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