Pregnant after IF

Very scary morning

I think things are ok but I woke up early this morning and my pj pants felt wet. I got up to go to the bathroom and they were covered in a watery blood. I went to the bathroom to wipe and passed a rather large clot - cue massive freak out.  DH and I went to the ER (we aren't at home but two hours away visiting his parents) and after two hours finally got an u/s - both babies were moving around like crazy with strong hbs (165 and 174). The sonographer said e/thing looks fine and didn't find a source to the bleeding.  I'm 11w4d - WHY did this have to happen so late in the game when I was starting to feel comfortable?  We were supposed to tell DH's family tonight at dinner but now I'm nervous. 


Has anyone had anything like this happen and have it turn out ok? Oh - the bleeding basically stopped right after the clot passed if that makes any difference.


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