July 2012 Moms

Reflux moms, question about zantac

Liam's pedi had us start zantac on tuesday. She said that the results wouldn't be instant but I did notice that by the next day he wasn't spitting up nearly as much so I thought great, this might actually work! While then Thursday and Friday night something switched. Liam seems to be in worst pain and will wake up out of sleep screaming murder. He seems like he is in worst pain than before. I know that zantac can cause headaches in some infants and that some can't tolerate the alcohol found in zantac but I am just wondering if any other moms with babied with reflux have had this happen? Is it suppose to get worst before it gets better? I skipped his dosage today because I can't stand to see him in so much pain and I am waiting to hear back from an advice nurse. I just don't know if this is a normal reaction to zantac.
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