1st Trimester

Has anyone had a subchorionic hematoma?

Hello ladies,

I am currently 11weeks 2 days. At 8 weeks I woke up one morning and instantly felt like I had wet my pants. Once in the bathroom blood just continued to gush out of me. After 5 hours in the ER the doctor I was told that I had a small subchorionic hematoma SCH (size of a grape) and that my pregnancy was considered a threatened mc.  The u/s showed a growing baby with a strong heartbeat. I was put on bed rest and have been on the couch for the last 3 weeks. Bleeding continued and was heavy for the first 2 weeks but has subsided to just spotting now. On top of all this I am also a type I diabetic with hypothyroidism. If that isn't enough I will turn 36 in November. I am very excited but also nervous about all the hiccups along the way!  

I'm looking for anyone with similar situations especially with the SCH.  Did your bleeding continue?  Do you think I will be able to go back to work now that the bleeding has lessened or will that just start the bleeding frenzy again?  Any feedback or advice is greatly appreciated!

your scared and confused First time mama! 

TTC since April 2012 BFP#1 -September 1,2012, EDD-May 10, 2012, MC-October 21, 2012
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