July 2012 Moms

Not sleeping anymore ugh

Hi ladies, it's been awhile but I'm hoping you can help. My son just turned 12 weeks and apparently decided he isn't going to sleep anymore. He was sleeping pretty well until 3 days ago with some 6 and 7 hours stretches and now he is up every hour and a half to 2 hours. He will only sleep longer if I bring him back into our room and put him in his rock and play which I realize is a bad move but we all need to sleep. I go back to work Monday and would like not to be a zombie. Any tips to help him sleep longer or even ttn this one I'd pay big money for?? I should note he is a big boy 9, 12 at birth and almost 16 now so I don't think hunger is an issue but I ebf and if it's been 2 hours in between feedings I'll offer the boob and he almost always takes it so I could be wrong. Any and all advice welcome!
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