1st Trimester

Nothing on Ultrasound....

I feel like I can't get enough reassurance right now. Man am I having an emotional battle...

My last period was August 29th. Starting having very sore and large breasts on Sept. 25th, tested for a positive pregnancy test on Oct. 2nd.  Had my first appointment yesterday, thought I was 8 weeks pregnant. My Dr. had to go intravaginally because she couldn't see my uterus from the outside - tilted uterus apparently. But she didn't see ANYTHING. No sac, no fetal pole. 

She said I could have ovulated later than we thought and just not be that far along. If so, wouldn't I atleast be far enough along to atleast see the gestational sac? How far do you think I may be? Is it possible I got a false negative? If so what about all these pregnancy symptoms?! My cycle has always been kinda crazy, the month before, my period was 3 weeks late!

I know the doctor will let me know in time but every minute that goes by is feeling like hours.  She took my blood and is going to take it again this coming Monday to compare.  Two days just seems like too much time to wait while I still feel this way!

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