Pregnant after IF

I WILL reply, hoopduck. You cannot stop me with your DD!

I knew that it was a waste of time writing such a long response, but I typed all those words that now have now have nowhere to go! So I will post them in my own post, b/c I refuse to have all that typing be a total waste of time.

If you see this, hoopduck, it is also considered rude and childish to delete posts.

(Hoopduck OP quote has been removed, as I was unaware it would incur Bump God wrath)

 Both online and in real life, there is etiquette and expected behavior in various groups or situations. While you may have been having trouble TTC for years, you were never a part of the Bump community as a TTTCer. You did not give/receive support when you were struggling, and no one on the 3T board knew you at all until you popped into a thread with your ticker ablaze. Tickers are hard to look at sometimes when you are in a low moment, and warnings are standard protocol on the TTTC boards. The 3T and IF boards have both had their share or well-meaning newly pregnant people that decide to jump in with all their giddy, happy, pregnancy-achieved wisdom to let everyone know that someday they, too will get to have a ticker. While it may seem to the happy, giddy pregnant person that they are spreading hope and have all this special, finally-pregnant insight to share, they are often really rubbing salt in a wound. 

No one that I see tried to "rip you to shreds." You did get your fingers slapped, as a ticker warning/intro/not being a pregnant stranger is basic etiquette for the TTTC board, and you clearly did not do much lurking before you posted or you would have known that. It was a fair reprimand, and equally fair to question why you, a total stranger, would wait until you were pregnant to start posting on a TTTC board. I feel your response was nastier than anyone else's in that thread. 

You never made a pregnant person feel bad while TTC...of course not--they didn't want your "issues." People having TTC, otoh, want what you someone with a history of difficulty, you should understand this. Do you not see the irony of a pregnant woman going into a community of women having difficulty conceiving and giving advice on how to deal with jealous feelings about others' pregnancies?

My advice is to post on the boards that you are a fit, 1st tri, and Preg after a loss, among others. Each board is its own community, and expectations are different. Some boards are more close knit and expect an introduction before you start posting. Others don't care. A few, like the IF Vets board you also posted on, are even more close knit, and even have info at the top explaining who the board is for. While some boards are purely entertainment, others are support groups. You need to understand that before you will understand why your presence may be considered unwelcome. We are not pregnant because we have learned something the people still in IF or 3T don't know...we are pregnant because we fell on the right side of the odds. If those still trying want input from those of us that have had success, they often come over here to PAIF and ask.

Yes, the transition takes getting used to. As do Internet communities. For this board, you should post an intro that gives your history, at which point I am sure people will start to welcome you. If someone corrects you on protocol or etiquette, take their advice in stride. Assume you are being corrected and instructed, not picked upon. Do not whine or complain about one board to another board. And if posting on the boards is going to make you depressed or upset, perhaps it is not a healthy place for you to be.

Hopefully this serves to explain things somewhat. GL with your pregnancy.

4 IUIs: Bfn
Antagonist IVF 7 retrieved, 4 fert w/ICSI&AH, 2 blasts transferred. Beta #1 9/20: 367 Beta #2 9/22: 841
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BabyFruit Ticker
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