July 2012 Moms

Did I Mention?

That my lovely DS has been sleeping 8pm - 7am for the past 3 night!!! Party!!! woooo

It has been so nice  (since Fiance was off Wed/Thurs and goes in at 10 today) to "sleep in" until about 6am, get up, get ready and head out the door!

Previously I was getting up at 4:45, getting myself ready, getting baby up, feeding baby and heading to my moms (which will still happen next week) but omg I never knew sleeping till 6 would make me feel so much more energized!

That is all Big Smile

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Dating: 7.1.2008 Engaged: 11.25.11 Austin: 07.21.12 Wedding: 5.4.2013
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