July 2012 Moms

This needs to be the other way around...

Been busy busy busy!  I'm back at work full time, and that means: up at 5, feed the baby, take a shower, get DS up and watch him to make sure he actually *gets up* and starts getting dressed, and then make his lunch and make us both breakfast and out the door at 6:30, to his school by 7 so I'm in the front of the car line when they let the kids in at 7:10 then book it across town to work to dive for the clock to clock-in by 7:30.  Work until 3:30, clear up and get to DS's school by 4 so they don't charge me for the after school program.  Then it's home by 4:30 or so.  Start dinner, then sit and take a breath and possibly go to the bathroom for the first time in almost 12 hours.  

What I DO NOT want to hear when I get home...is that Maia has been asleep almost all day and DH has been up and not gotten any kind of nap.  Sure, the dishes are clean and the laundry is done (not folded lol but I'm not complaining about that)... but I KNOW that this means that I'll be up all night with Maia because DH is so exhausted that he's dead to the world and can't help take care of her.  Yay me for being the light sleeper in the family.  So...I'm up all day at work, and up all night with the baby.  If DH is up for three hours or so in the middle of the night, he acts like he's made such a sacrifice and complains and groans and I'm finally just like "OH MY GOD!  Fine!"  and I get up and take over.  

I try to tell DH to please PLEASE either make sure she doesn't sleep all day or that, if she does, he takes a decent nap during the day so he can take care of her if she won't sleep at night.  But he just straight up insists that he simply cannot do either of those things.  If he tries to keep her up..she screams all day and is miserable.  And if he tries to take a nap during the day he ends up just staring at the ceiling until he gives up.  I appreciate that.  I really do.  But, I mean, I just can't do this forever!  I can't be the worker and the up-all-night person too!

Help!!!  What can I do here?  I'm starting to really get resentful of DH that I seem to have to grab whatever scraps of sleep I can get, which means no time with DS, incidentally, because I have to try to nap all early evening if I want any sleep at all, and DH just gets to wait until he's tired and then sleep like a loud log all night!



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