Pregnant after IF

A/S Results, and It's A.....

BOY!!! We are so thrilled.  ***For those of you with whom I am FB friends, we are not making this public until Saturday when we can tell our parents, so please don't say anything on FB.

So, anatomy was all perfect. So much so that the u/s tech spent some extra time taking some extra pics (with our permisison of course) to use for students of what the anatomy should look like. He has really big feet, and he is also 11 ounces at 18w6d, and his weight is that of a 19w6d baby, so measuring exactly a week ahead. Fluid levels, umbilical cord, and placental placement are all perfect.

And I introduce you to our baby boy! (We think he's going to be Luke, but not 100% set, so we're still calling him baby.


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Lilypie Maternity tickers
James Robert ("JR") Due 3/15/2013! Our Miracle!
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