July 2012 Moms

This kid is stressing me out

As you all probably know by now, K has reflux and eating can be a struggle. My MIL and my friend watch her while I am at work and write down/fill me in on how she eats while with them. Since being on the Prevacid, it seems like her appetite has decreased. She can take up to an hour to eat 4oz and sometimes will only want 3oz. I'd say in a 24 hour period, she usually eats about 20-24oz, which worries me because she is 11.5-12 lbs and should be eating 27-30oz. She does get 5tsp of rice cereal per bottle, so that may cover the ounces she is missing in terms of calories and filling her up.

My friend texted me today saying that she ate 4oz at my MILs at 7:30 and 10, but is being fussy and refusing the bottle at her house. She has only had 1oz since her 10am feeding, which means she's gone like 5 hours without really eating. My friend said she isn't screaming/crying like she is in pain, but just grunting/squirming and refusing the bottle. She is awake and in a good mood, though. Now I am sitting here at work anxious and stressed because she isn't eating and I'm worried that her reflux is bad (yet again) and that the medicine isn't working anymore (yet again). Or is she just being a picky baby? Or is she just not hungry? Is it normal for babies to just not be hungry and go that long without eating (other than STTN)? I want to cry.

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