July 2012 Moms

S/O Wedding dresses and Diamonds...

Please allow me to flame an IRL frenemy that none of you know and has nothing to do with babies (mostly).  I just need to get this off my chest!

On Saturday I am attending the wedding of "K".  I can't stand her, but she is one of the members of a group of my closest friends, so I can't really avoid her.  She is beyond tacky in soo many ways that are too numerous to detail here, but I must share the wedding tackiness with all the wedding/ring talk currently going on today.

For years she told all us gals in the group exactly what kind of ring she wanted so that when she met her future husband and he was ready to propose, we would all know what she wanted: 1 carat princess cut from Tiffany.  Yes, she expected that her ring would be from Tinffay. 

Fast forward 2 years, she starts seeing a recently divorced douche that never wanted to get remarried and never wanted kids.  He was also new to town and needed a place to stay, so he moved in with K.  Fast forward another 6 months, the whole group is at my bff's egagement pary when K announces (while her d-bag boyfriend was texting on his phone right next to her) that she is pregnant. Five mintutes later her ex walks in - she invited her ex, who my bff can't stand, to my bff's engagement party so he could hear her baby news!

One year later, K announces on Facebook that she's found the engagement ring she wants at Jared. D-bag has not proposed.  About a month later d-bag loses his job, is a stay-at-home dad.  Another year passes and d-bag finally proposes (after being harrassed by K's mom to marry K)...with a ring K bought herself, on-line, that is a fake diamond. (she told us gals it's fake, the rest of the world thinks it real)

Basically, everything about this wedding makes me sick, but I can't get out of attending. The only upside is I get to see all my friends and they get to see LO.  The groom is an a$$hole who treats K like sh*t but to K, it's more important to be married than to be happy.  I feel like this wedding is like her ring: a fake immitation of the real thing she always longed for and assumed she would have.

Moral of the story: don't arrogantly boast to the world that you expect a Tiffany ring b/c you just may wind up buying yourself a CZ and forcing your baby dady to give it to you.

If you read my massively long and random rant, bless you!  I just needed to vent!  UUUGGHHH!

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