July 2012 Moms

It has not been a good day.

So the start to crappy day actually started last night when my neighbor and his gf/wife i don't even know started fighting at 10:30p.m. (They usually fight every weekend and it gets so bad that they get so drunk they actually throw their beer bottles at our dogs when they are outside. We have many a times called and had an officer come out because i walk through the yard and step on glass) But my neighbor actually locked his SO outside last night and DH and I are getting ready to go to bed and call you can hear is she screaming at him to let her in and to get over himself blah blah blah. So an hour later i am in bed tryin for the life of me to get Austin to go to sleep. Every time he fell asleep you would hear my neighbor pounding on the front door to their house, and she actually when so far as to start kicking the garage door. Fast forward two hours i am STILL awake because she is STILL yelling at him. It was rediculious(sp?) Then at about 3:00a.m. Austin woke up and was up for three hours after that he normally sleeps until 9. So i am a very tired and emotional mama, who has only had two hours of sleep.

On top of that I am taking my old man Tucker(my German, lab mix) into the vet today to get his opinion and our options of what we have let to do for him. He has a really back hip and he doesnt act like he is in pain but he does tend to limp, and its even worse when he is outside turning the days that i have to go into town. Last night DH told me that it was probably time to start thinking about putting him down. It breaks my heart so bad because i know that if he is in pain that is what needs to be done but he doesnt show any signs of being in any pain. I feel what if i make the wrong decision then i lose my baby (He was my first baby before my boys, and i have had him all his life) So i am sitting here trying to figure out what i am suppose to do crying my eyes out just at the thought of what the vet might say to me. (I value my vets opinion very highly not only because he has a degree, but because he is a very good family friend, he has known my mom since she was my age and she is 45.) But it is still hard. I just want to go crawl back in bed and make this day go away.

End of melt down. Thank you for letting me unload it actually kinda helped to get that all of my chest. I hope everyone has a better day then this mama, and to think my birthday is in a couple of days and i feel like nothing is even goin right this week.

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