July 2012 Moms

MIL vent

So I don't have the best relationship with my MIL. She is very overbearing and nosey. We visted her yesterday she lives an hour away and went out to eat with her and a few of my husbands friends. I sat down and faced my baby towards me so I could tend to her as we ate. A few minutes later she says well I guess I won't get to see her face in a snarky way. I just wanted to say something so bad. Then five min later she says well maybe we can turn her so everyone can see her. So I got up and moved her to face the table. She is wonderful with my daughter and has wanted a grandkid for ten yrs. But could care less about me, I am just the oven. It is so ackward around her its like she thinks she is  the mom. I just don't know what to do. I talked to my husband about it and he says ya she always has something to say I am glad  you didn't say anything to her. It just sucks b/c she loves my daughter but doesn't care for me. I am never rude to her and let her be grandma but she is overbearing. What would yall do in this situation?
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