July 2012 Moms

pulling own hair

My LO has started to pull his hair....so odd, Ive never seen this before. He has a full head of black hair. I noticed that he does this most times when he is going to sleep but has done it occassionally while crying. I googled this and it said it could be caused by stress! Has anyone ever heard of this or delt with this? I recently did go back to work (but only for a few weeks then I will be a SAHM) so there has been a shift in our schedule. Im very attentive to LO and he doesnt really have to cry for anything (although he does cry for his needs, so no worries on that part). He doesnt have bald patches or anything, its not that bad. He does this maybe once or twice a day. Thanks!

He has cradle cap too, but i dont think the 2 are related. I dont know?

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