July 2012 Moms

Transitioning to Formula

Since I have gone back to work (this is my third week), my supply has dropped an insane amount. I was getting 10 ounces at work (5 in the AM and 5 in the afternoon), and the past two days I have only gotten 2 ounces in each pump session.

I have had to use most of what I had in my supply for daycare, since this caught me so off guard, and I have never had supply issues before.

I think the transition to formula is fast approaching, for those of you who have done that what worked best? LO takes a bottle at daycare all day so that is not a problem at all, I just don't want to upset his stomach. I am going to keep BF in the AM before work and at night, but I am trying to figure out what to do for daycare.

Should I make his 5 ounce bottles 2.5 ounces of breast milk and 2.5 of formula? Or should I try and send two breast milk and one formula bottle to daycare? Or something else entirely?

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