July 2012 Moms

Joining the reflux club

Yep. Had a last minute appointment with Liam's pedi today and she believes that all of his fusiness, hoarse voice, spitting up, etc. is a reflux problem. I thought we were going through the 3 month growth spurt but it seemed to never end and he began refusing to eat from my breast AND the bottle so I decided that he needed to be checked out. The problems and signs have been there but seemed to get progressively worst in the last month. The pedi is having us start zantac and fx it works. If it doesn't then at his 4 month appointent we will discuss other options. The good thing is that in spite of the frequent spitting up he is still maintaining good weight so I am very grateful for that. I just want him to be happy because he seems so miserable lately and the no sleep and discomfort is taking its toll on all of us in the house. My dog is happy though because he thinks Liam's spit up is a free snack because he's nasty like that. Can't turn my back for a second without the dog trying to eat or clean up the spit up. Gross!
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