Pregnant after IF

"Did you try to have twins?"

The number of people who ask me "do twins run in the family" "did you 'try' to have twins" "did you would get pregnant with twins" or some variation is redic. Every time I answer with "yes, we did do IVF" they usually say "yeah that's what I was getting at..." Yuh thanks, I know.

It's never going to stop is it? 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Me(24)PCOS, Hypothyroidism & IC DH(26)Azoospermia
4/11 Off BCPs -- Cycle 1-3 (6months) - No ovulation, Provera
Cycle 4-6 - Provera, Clomid 50mg, CD23BW - All BFN (HSG-all clear)
Dec 2011 DH S/A shows zero count - dx Azoo
TESE 4/13/12 - Sperm found!! 5 viles frozen
IVF ICSI #1- 5R 2F 2dt- 2DP & 4CF - BFFN
Break Cycle - June/July (Going to Disney!)
IVF ICSI #2- Started stims 7/26
ER 8/8 11R 9F 3dt - 9BF & 7BF (+HPT 8dp3dt)TWINS! EDD 5/1/13
12/9 Joshua David and Zoe Faith born too early at 19w4d due to incompetent cervix
April 15 - Laparoscopic Transabdominal Cerclage - only possibility of carrying my children to term
July 14 - start stims for IVF#3!

Lilypie Assisted Conception tickersDaisypath Anniversary tickers

My Local Nestie Besties: MrsHo1030, MABride0808,flowerpower and JenniferLuvsCandy!
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