Pregnant after IF


After struggling with infertility for over a year now, I am proud to say that I am finally pregnant! I got a positive hpt on saturday at 9dpo and my beta today was 162 :) Although it is still a little early, I am so excited to be joining you ladies! I have another beta scheduled for Wednesday, just hoping and praying levels rise appropriately. I have heard usually the higher the beta, the more babies, so, based on my first beta, what is my chance of more than one based on your experience(If this is actually true)?


TTC since August 2011
DX PCOS and annovulatory
1/12 Clomid (3 rounds total and no response)
DH SA = normal
6/12 Femara (2 rounds)no response
8/12 1st round Gonal F and 2 follies = BFN
9/12 2nd round injects and 3 follies = BFP!
10/15 11dpo beta#1 = 162 10/17 beta #2 = 471 1st U/S: Quads!!!
1/13 Baby A ruptured membranes, our angels Jaxon, Jayse, Emersyn, and Ellee were born @ 17 weeks
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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