Pregnant after IF

I hate to complain, but WTF!

DH and I tried for 18 months before conceiving with much help from our great RE. And we have been married for over 6 years. So we were so thrilled and so were both of our families. This will be the first grandchild for both of our parents and the first great-grandchild for my grandmother who I am very close to!

We don't live close to either of our families and just got back from a 2.5 week vaca to visit both sets of families. It was nice to see everyone for the first time since we announced the pregnancy. 

This weekend my mom called me to tell me that my 30 year old brother's girlfriend (who is only 20) is pregnant! And due 9 days after me! This was a complete accident. I have to admit that I'm excited that my baby will have a cousin close in age, but I can't believe this!

I know it could be so much worse. I could still be TTC. They could have told people sooner (but my brother really wanted me to have that time with my family first before he spilled the beans). But I just can't believe people get pregnant 'accidentally' so easily. It's just not fair! And now we get to share the pregnancy and time around the birth. I don't even get my own birth month!! I talked to my grandmother and mom this weekend and all they could talk about is how my brother and his GF have no money and they aren't prepared for this so they need so much help. And all the stuff they're going to buy for them. And my brother lives in my hometown so I'm really jealous that his baby will live closer to my parents then mine will. I know that's petty, but it does bother me. This is just crappy and will take me a while to get used to it. I know it really could be so much worse. I'll get over it eventually, especially once the baby is born. 

But for now that's my rant...thanks for listening! Congrats if you made it to the end!  

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