July 2012 Moms

Travel Success!

I am going to start out with I am SO glad to be home! Let me tell you it was a good weekend trip but traveling with a 3mo old is tiring.  We left Friday around 11am and flew up to Pittsburgh for my cousins wedding that was on Saturday.  Austin did fabulous on the plane both ways and we had the most amazing women sitting next to us on the way there (he was in my lap) who helped me get him situated, shook his bottle and even let me use her tray for my drink since he was asleep in my arms after he ate.  I dont think I would've survived on the way there without her! 

The wedding was great and I think Austin was seriously the MOST photographed person at the wedding, one her photographers took pics of him while we were at the ceremony then both of the photographers were taking pics of him at the reception, it was hilarious!  He did look quite handsome if I do say so myself though (bowtie button down white onesie and navy blue corduroy pants) so I can see why they wanted to take so many pics (I will post one as soon as I see them!).  He was a hit though and did so well at both the ceremony and reception, although the rest of the time in Pittsburgh he was fussy and screaming, but hey what else can you expect from a 3mo old right?

So needless to say I am exhausted! We got in at 8pm last night, I didn't get to bed till about 10pm and had to be at work today at 7am...I may fall asleep at my keyboard, but  I am glad that Austin is a great traveler but next time will be taking Fiance with me lol!

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Dating: 7.1.2008 Engaged: 11.25.11 Austin: 07.21.12 Wedding: 5.4.2013
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