July 2012 Moms

This week is going to be hard

DH left today for a business trip this week. I'm already overwhelmed and on the verge of tears.

DS has been screaming and off since I dropped DH off at the airport 6 hours ago. Nothing seemed to work. If I put him down he screamed bloody murder and if I picked him up he still screamed but at a lower intensity. I tried everything I could think of to help him- I took off layers, I wrapped him up in a blanket, I fed him, I changed his diaper. Taking a bath gave me a short break where he happily splashed in the water. Then when the bath was over it was back to screaming until he finally passed out. And then woke up 10 minutes later screaming. He's finally down and has been down for a while so I'm hoping it will stick for a while. If this is any indication of how the week will go I don't know what I will do with myself.

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