July 2012 Moms

AW: first date night out/ LBD success! (PIP)

Friday was our first night out without LO since he's been born!  My FIL and his girlfriend babysat.  Went okay....they let him nap until 8:30 (we left at 6) and his bedtime is 9:30 sooooo he had a bit of trouble going down and was up at 2:30 am which was NOT fun for mommy.

But, we had a great time.  It was a black tie/cocktail event at a museum in our town that we go to every year for 3 years now.  We bartend for an hour to "volunteer" and then get to partake in the event the rest of the night.  Food tables from local restaurants and wineries are placed around the museum which is a historic castle.  We go with another couple and my best friend and we had a lot of fun!!

I ended up getting the perfect post-baby LBD (2 sizes bigger than "normal") on zappos and I really felt great.  This pic kind of makes me look 4 months pregnant, but the lighting was really weird where we took it.   I chose not to wear spanx because it hurt my C/S scar and plus I wanted to eat, eat, eat! hehe :) Anyway, it was nice to feel sexy for one night :) We even tried for the first time to DTD when we got home.....but had little success.  Oh well, it was the first time and I'm glad it's over, hahaha! Stick out tongue


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