July 2012 Moms

I want to SCREAM!

The one f'ing day I have some help around here and DH can stay with her, DD has fussed/screamed all day and refused to nap.

I just want a f'ing break! I want to go get a pedicure because my feet look like troll feet. It's been a month. I just want to be AWAY from the screaming baby. I don't even own any nail polish remover so it's not like I can do them myself (plus they are gross and need more than just painting; it is still sandal season here).

DH tried to give her a bottle. She took it but then whined/screamed until she got the boob so that was a gigantic waste of my time and effort pumping since all it did was delay nursing for 15 minutes then she nursed for the same amount of time (35 minutes) as usual. Super Angry


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