July 2012 Moms

Wwyd sleeping position

Ok ladies... It's 424am here... LO woke at around 245 with gas. We did various things to help relieve it which seem to have worked, but every time I then went to put him back down he started to fuss and escalate upwards towards a screaming baby. At 330, I fed him as it was then 3.5 hours since his last feed, same issue when I tried to put him down, despite nearly being passed out at the breast.

Well he finally got to sleep on my chest, but urgh I can't spend forever with him sleeping there [I spent most of the last two nights like that]. I decided to see if I could get him to stay asleep while on his tummy in the cot.

It worked. He's asleep. He has a blanket over his legs but his arms are free [and he rolled over twice yesterday during tummy time so I know he can do it] and the angelcare monitor is picking up a regular movement for his breathing.

But... I have previously promised DH I won't let the baby sleep on his tummy [unless its on my chest] and I know it increases the risk of SIDS but he's asleep!

So... Wwyd... Allow LO to sleep on tummy or insist on side or back instead??? For what it's worth I always go to sleep on my tummy, and slept well that way as a baby without a monitor on my movements.
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