July 2012 Moms

If You Fought A Dwindling Supply And Won--HELP!

How you you combat a dwindling supply?  So far I'm on the max dose of Fenugreek, I ate those nasty lactation cookies, I try to drink lots of water, I cut out caffeine entirely 3 weeks ago...

I have very little milk in the freezer and since Lillian's demand went up, I am now producing about 1-1.5oz less per day that she wants and I am pulling from the freezer.  I can do this for maybe 2 weeks more.

Right now, I nurse 3x/day and she gets a bottle 3x/day.  I also pump 3x/day.  I normally pump after a morning nursing, then around the time she gets the other 2 bottles (one of those times is when I have students, so DH gives her a bottle and I pump maybe 30min later). I usually don't go more than 5 hrs without emptying.

The only thing I don't do is wake up in the wee hours to pump when L is asleep. She's typically out by 10pm and wakes around 4:30 to nurse, then she's down until like 9am.  Should I pump at like, 1am?

What else can I do?!  On average (yes, we keep phenomenal records) Lillian eats 10-12oz from a bottle per day and I only can only pump 9-10oz.  I haven't come this far to peeter out now!

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