July 2012 Moms

oh no

I've been trying to transition DD to formula but i haven't been thinking clearly and I screwed it up. I go back to work tomorrow snd my stash is almost completely depleted. I don't have enough to just add a formula fed a day. Plus i haven't been pumping to replace what she ste of my supply. I guess I've been on auto pilot and not been a very good mother in general, handing her off when it seems too much, not playing with her without crying. And now her poor tummy is going to be messed up.
TTC since October 2009
2 failed IUIs with Clomid
IVF #1, ER 10/29/2011
ET 11/3/2011
One embryo transferred, four frozen
11/12/2011, BFP, 11/13/2011, BFP, 11/14/2011, BFP First Beta 11/14/2011, 499
Second Beta 11/16/2011, 893
Third Beta 11/18/2011, 1510
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