July 2012 Moms

feeling bad about feeling fortunate

I'm feeling bad about feeling fortunate :[

I guess I am in a contemplative mood as the teenaged daughter of a family friend has an LO only a few weeks older than our LOs. That poor child is being neglected and our family friend is going to call CPS on her own daughter to try and rescue the children [the teen girl has 2U2]. My heart goes out to them and I want to scoop up those children and help even though it's obviously not my place.

A random rambling post I know... I feel fortunate and blessed [LO is amazing and currently napping] I also feel sad at the inequity / injustice. I feel lucky and guilty about feeling lucky. I feel for those who could give those kids an amazing home but won't get the chance. Above all, I want those kids to have a chance!

Of course, one sanity saver is my appreciation for the July '12 bumpies. You all do so much for your LOs and it makes me feel good knowing all those babies are loved and cared for. I think one reason I keep coming back here is to counter all the bad things you hear with stories of people doing everything they can for the health and happiness of their children.

[Hrm... that part may have belonged in a rainbow vomit post.]

Ok. Random ramblings over... sorry if this doesn't make much sense. Chalk it up to sleep deprivation and conflicted emotions combined with the perfection of a sleeping baby. Ack! I'm a mess!
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