July 2012 Moms


I have been up all night with this boy!! This week has progressively gotten worse and worse. Last Fri I moved him to his crib, but he did great the 1st 3 nights and its been downhill since then. He's been up more often at night and fussier during the day and refuses to nap more than maybe 3 20 min naps a day! I would blame it on a growth spurt, but I blamed week 11 on a growth spurt bc he struggled that week as well!
He just woke up 1 hour after eating and MH and I just sat on the floor of his room taking turns patting/soothing him and putting in his paci for 45 mins. He finally fell asleep only to be up 20 mins later!!! I'm at my wits end!

ETA: at least he isn't refusing to nurse tonight. That's one plus...
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