July 2012 Moms

Wish me luck

LO has just gone down for the night...

For the first time in I don't know how long he has not been fast asleep at the end of his final feed. He normally falls asleep at the boob.

For the first time in over 3 weeks he has not been straight-jacket swaddled (as he has started rolling over very intermittently during tummy time). He is sort of swaddled but he was always able to escape a normal swaddle without difficulty before (which usually woke him up).

For the first time in 4 or more weeks I have put him down on his side, not his back (as when I tried to put him down on his back he started stirring immeadiately).


He actually slept really poorly last night, down at 8, up at 12, 130, 4, 630 (normally he does 8 to 4 and then to 6 or 630)...so I'm a little nervous tonight is also going to be a bad night. Last night meant I spent today tired, crabby, and overly sensitive and worried as he also seems to have some nappy rash which is the first time he's ever had that.


So yeah... Wish me luck. 

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