July 2012 Moms

Reflux moms come in

I swear we should have our own email chain or something to not annoy everyone else on the board with reflux posts. I've had it with this crappy GI system inside my baby!

 She's been on Prevacid and Alimentum with rice cereal for a few weeks now and reflux symptoms pretty much disappeared. She had been on Zantac too, but we weaned off and Zantac was out of the combo on Sunday. On Monday we saw the GI who added another dose of Prevacid to keep her at a therapeutic level as she gains weight. Now all of a sudden she is SO gassy and its painful for her at night. Gas drops don't help and she is crying and squealing and tensing in her sleep. 

I called the GI, who is awesome and takes phone calls while out of town. She said it sounds like a "rebound effect" from stopping the Zantac before the Prevacid has become fully effective in her system. Now I'm supposed to put her back on the Zantac AND keep the same Prevacid dosing for another 1-2 weeks when hopefully the Zantac isn't needed anymore.

I trust the GI doc. She is well published on GERD in children, teaches at Northwestern and is on staff at a very reputable children's hospital in Chicago. It just makes me really sad to be pumping her full of all these medications but I don't know what else to do =( 

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