July 2012 Moms

My angel story (kinda long)

So Monday a.m. DH & I gave our baby to the doctors to perform surgery. We were incredibly distraught. I was sobbing & DH went into panic mode.

We went to the surgical waiting room to wait with all of the other families. DH decided he couldn't sit & wait and decided to run to get us coffee & take the carseat carrier back to the car.

An old man saw that I was upset & that the baby carrier had been empty. He came and asked me about Connor. I told him my 9 wk old baby was having surgery. He grabbed my hand and started praying for Connor. I was so moved and overwhelmed that this stranger cared so much that I started crying again. He wiped my tears away. Then we just talked and a sense of peace washed over me.

He was notified his wife was out of surgery & he could go be with her. Before he left he told me even though he was leaving that he would continue to pray for Connor today.

I honestly feel like that man was sent to me. At the very least, it reaffirms to me that people are inherently good.

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