July 2012 Moms

NBR: My iPhone 5 shipped! Goodbye ThugMobile!

SO excited to be rid of T-Mobile soon. We are paying to get out of our contract with them because I'm still angry about what the jackhole did while I was overdue pregnant. I went in to see about buying a new battery because, as is typical of these batteries, it wasn't holding a charge as well as it used to. They didn't have one in the store so he asked for my number so he could look it up online to see if I could order it. Yeah, jerk made a change to my plan despite me specifically telling him that we were not at all interested in changing our plan since I had just changed it in May.

After dealing with the poor CS reps in India that do not understand words with more than one syllable and couldn't figure out how to change back a fraudelent, unauthorized change, we are done.

DH has been a customer for over 10 years and we are on a pricey plan...enjoy your $400, Thug-Mobile, because that's the last you'll get from us!

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