July 2012 Moms

Friday GTKY

I just checked my fb "about me" column, assuming it needed some updating since I haven't edited it since Ben was born, and really, all I did then was add one quick sentence about him at the end.  Aside from that sentence, my bio has been the same for a LONG time, and it really gave me a laugh reading through it.  Still pretty accurate with one exception:  my life pretty much revolves around being a wife and mommy now and the bio doesn't reflect that at all!  Anyway, it's good for a laugh and to get to know me a bit so I thought I'd c&p it here to share before I delete it to start from scratch and try to define the current me.

If you're on fb, share your "about me" section here as a GTKY!  (Obviously, you're free to take out whatever you want if it gives too many personal details.)  If you're not on fb but have something similar posted somewhere else, use that.


Here's mine:

 I think the way to world peace is to make every day Christmas. I drive WAY too fast when I'm mad, and like a grandma when I've really got something on my mind. I love family and friends. Especially friends who are your family. I can't stand doing the laundry. Spiders and other bugs are fine, but I have a border-line phobia for snakes of any size. I used to believe that ice cream, a bubble bath, and a good cry could cure any heartache.. but that was before I knew true heartache. I do, however, still firmly believe in all three of those things. ;) More than anything in the world, I love people. Babies and children, especially. Their innocence is the most precious thing I've ever laid eyes on. I am a very spiritual woman on the inside, and strive to show it on the out. There is no place more personal to me than the place I'm in when I sing. I love to read and write, and drive around aimlessly with the windows rolled down. My favorite color is green, I couldn't survive without pasta and bread, and I only wear perfume for special occasions. I really want to learn to play guitar. I know for sure that God is good and gracious. I know that my husband is a greater gift than I could ever deserve. I love a good Mexican restaurant, a GREAT margarita (or five), and an amazing group of people to enjoy them with. I sing in the shower when I'm home alone, I miss the characters when I finish a book, and Sunday is my favorite day of the week. I'm most comfortable in a pair of jeans and an old t-shirt, and as much as I love shoes, I'll take the first opportunity to kick them off. August 24th, 2009, I became a believer in love at first sight. My favorite movie is "While You Were Sleeping," and my baby brother is my best friend. And someday, I WILL go to Paris. Just you wait and see.

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