July 2012 Moms

Pre-Preg jeans...

I got them zipped this morning, and I wore them to work today!!

I stuck with my low-rise maternity jeans for almost 2 months... and then pulled out my "fat jeans" which fit and were just a bit snug.  I had tried my pre-preg jeans, and got them on, but couldn't button/zip them.

Well my fat jeans were dirty, like not-appropriate-for-work-dirty, so I just pulled out one pair of reg-pre-preg jeans 'just because' before slapping on some khakis for casual Friday, and sure enough they fit!  J will be 3 months old tomorrow.  Sucess!

I'm still not at my pre-preg weight, and my stomach is still all squishy and gross, but the jeans fit and aren't really too tight either.  I was so happy I texted DH "My regular jeans fit! Smile" and he replied with a smiley face... haha.

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