July 2012 Moms

Reflux moms I need help...

So I took DD to the doctor on Wednesday about her spit up. She has been spitting up a lot. It is also smelling like real vomit and was non stop throughout the whole day. She eats 5oz every 2 hours and the doctor said that was too much. She said I needed to scale her back to 4oz every 2 hours. My child screams her head off if the bottle finishes before she is full. So the doc said to add some rice to the formula and see if that helps. She also prescribed zantac. She said try the cereal first.

So yesterday I tried the cereal in the bottle and it seemed to help until the afternoon came and then she was starting to spit up more. Now its not as bad as it is without the cereal,  but its still enough to soak her top. 

So do I just move on to the Zantac? And do I do both cereal in bottles plus zantac? Or is it one or the other. I have another appt on the 30th, but dont want to wait that long. And we have Kaiser so I cant simply call the office, they force you to come in and waste $40 to answer a question.

Thanks in advance for your help... 

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