Pregnant after IF

Birthing classes (long sorry!)

Has anyone else had issues scheduling their birthing classes with the hospital? I have reached out a few times to the woman who is listed on the hospital website and still do not have any answers as to when I'm starting the class. Here's the history:

Called her back in August because I was trying to be organized. I asked her about a late September or early October class, and she responded by saying I really shouldn't be participating in a class until Nov. Ok, no big deal. She said that classes are "usually" every Wed night for 4 weeks, however she does try to accommodate everyone (I don't know how you even do that with all the different schedules of mothers to be and their husbands/SO) and will consider weekend classes, etc. Ok, once again thats cool too.

She asks me to follow up with her at the end of Sept, which I did. It was totally weird - she says "I have a Sunday quick course coming up this weekend, you can attend but there will be like 40 people there." We had plans, so I said no, that we'd attend the next class. To which she responds "well, I don't really know when the next class is because I only have had you and one other couple contact me, and I don't do classes for only 4 people." Ahhh...?? Confusion. So here it is, mid-Oct, and I'm not freaking out or anything, but I guess it's just frustrating that they don't have "set schedules." In my mind, you can be accommodating, but unfortunately at some point you just need to say "this is when the class is, whether you can make it or not." It's like she's almost waiting to hear from people and taking suggestions as opposed to just taking charge. I guess this is more of a vent than a question, but has anyone else had issues with scheduling these classes? I even have my BF'ing class set up already with the hospital, and not birthing. At this point I'm considering going to a different hospital just because I'm so frustrated (for classes, not for giving birth)! I know I'd miss the hospital tour, but at this point I'd take that over missing a class totally.

TTC #1 Since January 2011 Dx: PCOS and Anovulatory April 2012 BFP! Beta 1 5/22 - 1,000+ Beta 2 5/24 - 3,009 1st u/s 6/5 - TWINS!!! A/S Reveals we are Team PURPLE!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image
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