July 2012 Moms

Paci Relay

This has been a rough week at night for us. Of course, DS turned 12 wks on Wed but I'm not sure it's a growth spurt. Days are normal and tho he is waking up a lot at night it doesn't appear to be because he is hungry. It's a very weak cry and if I give him his paci he goes back to sleep. What I've been doing is when he cries the first time I give him his paci. The 2nd time I go ahead and feed him unless the 1st cry was after at least 6 hrs of sleep that I know he is capable of as this was his routine up until a week ago. But the past 4 nights I have fed him twice AND done the paci replacement 2 or 3 other times! Oh and when he does nurse its usually for about 5 minutes then he is out like a light. And I usually put him down without a paci so I know he can sleep without it. But why is he waking up so much all of a sudden if it's not bc he's hungry. I don't think it's gas either bc of the cry and bc the paci calms him back to sleep for a little while. What gives?!
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