July 2012 Moms

FF and Cloth Diapers...come on in!

Ok so since my little guy is on about 80% formula 20% BM at this point and is on his way to 100% formula I want to know the skinny on how you deal with formula poop using cloth diapers (pockets to be exact).  I was all up to date on my research with the runny BM poop and it being water soluable, but even now its thick and pasty and smells horrible so I am not exactly sure how to handle it with the cloth (we havent gone to cloth yet, my goal is to be 100% cloth by Christmas, I have 2 at home now I am getting ready to throw into rotation though).  Would I just scoop it off of the diaper and into the toilet? or just throw it into the wetbag with the poop?, I am def not putting that in my washer lol.

Sorry if I sound stupid lol, I had not planned on him being formula fed this early so I did no research on this topic whatsoever Smile Thanks ladies!

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