July 2012 Moms

WE'RE HOME!- update on Connor

We just got home tonight. Connor is absolutely amazing!

Day 1/night 1- was incredibly rough. He was choking on mucus and his monitors were going off all night. Because he wasn't in ICU, MH & I were very involved with Connor's care. We did not sleep at all. It was horrible. We were scared shitless.

Day 2- He lost some of the tubes which helped clear up the mucus and helped his demeanor. Bc he pooped on day1 (which everyone was shocked & impressed by) he was able to eat! He was a different kid & even smiled!

Day 3- He lost more tubes and transitioned off pain meds to tylenol only. He did great and continued to poop & eat well.

Today- We got the good news that we could go home bc our baby is a superstar!!

He is smiling & cooing and is basically back to being a happy baby!

Thanks for the T&Ps! I have to tell you guys about the "angel" I met. I'll save that story for tomorrow.

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