July 2012 Moms

Arrggghh ILs!!

My ILs live about 5 minutes away and are really annoying about wanting to see K ALL the time. DH talked to them after she was born and they've at least started texting/calling to ask instead of just coming over. We spent literally ALL weekend (Friday through Monday) with them because other relatives were at ILs from out of town. MIL will also be watching K 4-5 days a week starting Monday. I just got a text from her asking if they can stop by tonight. No! Leave me alone! She will be offended no matter what I say, unless it is yes, do come over. I just can't handle them tonight and its so irritating that they can't back off and go a few days without seeing her. 

 Plus, I'm still stewing over the fact that MIL literally took K out of my arms while I was holding her this weekend and I had to go ask for my child back.

Sorry for all the complaining lately...just had to vent! 


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