July 2012 Moms

Dr. Denmark... WWYD?

Ok y'all, Kellen is now 3 months old and only sleeping one 4-5 (6 on really lucky nights) stretches and then one 2-3 hour stretch. I know that isn't terrible, but it's also not preferable. Anyway, one of my friend's swears by Dr. Denmark (a famous pediatrician who is like 90). She has used Dr. Denmark's methods for all 3 of her kids and even recommended them to others who use them with great results as well. Her husband spoke with mine and has MH convinced that we need to implement Dr. Denmark's methods in order to get LO to STTN as well as nap on a schedule during the day. Apparently, after visiting Dr. Denmark, my friend's very colicky 3 month old who slept for only 3 hour stretches all night started to STTN after only 3 days of Dr. Denmark's plan. All her other firends had success too. Sounds amazing right?

Well, I read Dr. Denmark's book and one thing she rocommends is putting your baby down at 10pm and not TOUCHING him until 6am no matter what!! I just think that is cruel! However, all of the people who have successfully gone through with it swear their baby is now happier and healthier. MH is so adamant about it and is really pushing me to try it, but I just feel like it's wrong. His reasoning is that LO won't even remember the crying and if it only lasts a couple nights and when we are all happier, then it will be worth it. I'm extremely hesitant however. I don't want LO learning he can't trust in us or whatever they say about letting a baby cry (which I don't know if that is even true...my parents let my colicky sister CIO at 2 months and she turned out fine)

Anyway, what would y'all do? Try it? Not try it? Would it be worth it if LO ended up happier/less fussy after only a few days? I don't know what to do. If it worked and had no negative side effects I'd be on board, only I'd have to wear sound cancelling headphones because I know I wouldn't be strong enough to let him cry!

Thanks for your input!

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