July 2012 Moms

My night and morning...sigh!

9:00pm - baby throws screaming fit...won't eat, won't sleep.  Only likes being carried and moving around.

11:00pm  - baby finally sleeps

11:15pm - mommy sleeps

3:45am - baby wakes and eats

4:00am - baby vomits on mommy

4:15am - mommy puts baby in the bed

4:20am - baby has a screaming fit

5:00am - mommy gives up trying to make her sleep and takes her downstairs.

6:00am - baby and mommy are finally back to sleep

6:30am - daddy's alarm clock goes off

6:45am - dog scratches on bedroom door because he wants to sleep in bed with his mamma

7:00am - baby has another screaming fit

9:00am  - baby is sleeping and mommy has breakfast and coffee

10:00am - baby is still sleeping and mommy is jealous and pissed!


imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
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