July 2012 Moms

Chivalry is not dead!

Yesterday I was at Walmart with LO in the Baby Bjorn getting a few (which always turns into a ton) much needed baby and house items. Well, there was ONE flipping lane open other than the self checkout lanes. The regular lane had a looong line and LO was starting to fuss. I decided to wait anyway and after about 2 minutes LO was not having it. He likes to be on the move so he started screaming and would not stop! So I hurried over to one of the many self checkout lanes which had no lines in order to attempt self checkout with a screaming LO strapped to my chest.

Well, this nice old man (prob 70ish) with a cart full of groceries came up and offered to help me. He checked out my entire cart while I walked/bounced around trying to soothe LO. It was so nice of him! It wasn't like he was waiting behind me in line and offered to help either. There were plenty of open self checkout lanes and he could have checked out and been on his merry way but chose to help a frazzled, overwhelmed girl instead. It made my day!

Oh, and as soon as I got out of the store, LO passed out. Of course.

Anyone else experience any random acts of kindness recently?

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