July 2012 Moms

Well now, I feel silly

So MIL (our nanny) took DS to visit DF and FIL at work yesterday. DF noticed a white spot on his bottom lip. They tried to rub it off thinking it was milk or something but it didn't come off. MIL researched it and thought it was the beginning of thrush.

When I got home, I inspected the spot and it definitely looked fungalish. I called the pedi and a nurse said to bring him in that night.

I bring him in, pedi checks it out with a tounge compressor. Wraps his finger in gauze and wipes away the offending spot. Gives us a compassionate but "ahh new parents" look and says it was not thrush, it was just milky spitup. He said if it had been thrush, it would have bled or had been really red underneath which it was not. Also, that was the only spot.

Ah well. Better to be safe than sorry, right? Either way, I super sterilized all his paci's last night anyways.



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